Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fucking Father's Day

Today I woke up in a pissy mood. Not feeling like dealing with any bullshit and let me tell you there's plenty of bullshit to go around. I feel like a fat moose, I haven't been to the gym in about 2 weeks because of work. I barely stick to my diet and my husband has been getting fast food. I indulge in the occational french fry and I think the grease and fried crap is affecting my mood. I would be a lot happier if I could have weighed myself this morning and found that I miraculously lost 5 or better yet 10 pounds. I didn't, I gained 5 pounds. I took 5 of my fiber therapy pills and ate a fiber one bar. I'm hoping soon to expell much of my bloatiness. I am thrilled that much of my belly has shrunk since March but it just brings more attention to my huge thighs. I have to move from the computer my sister just offered me cake. I will post a little thinspiration later. I need it!

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